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What Was I Thinking? Film News
Reposted from Cinematical:
Elizabeth Banks Snag Their Own Film

Unfortunately, it’ll still be man-obsessed. The project is adapting Barbara Davilman and Liz Dubelman’sWhat Was I Thinking?: 58 Bad Boyfriend Stories. The book is a collection of essays coming from a whole slew of people, including our favorite Leia Carrie Fisher and writer Francesca Lia Block, that covers the moments when women realize that their relationship is not going to work, like overhearing the wrong thing, wine snobbery, and men thinking of other women during sex. It’s almost as reductive as He’s Just Not That Into You! In film form, the project will follow four friends who go on a hedonistic ski trip after one gets dumped, and I assume they then reminisce, or run into, more men that fit these bad boyfriend scenarios.
On the bright side, it’s a female-centric crew — Lynda Obst is producing, and Susanna Fogel and Joni Lefkowitz sold the pitch. (I’m even forgiving them for being the ladies behind JJ Abrams’ upcoming remake of Little Darlings.) It’ll also probably get a few more awesome funny ladies attached, maybe even Tina Fey. But do we really need more romance-centric man bashing? I can’t decide if it’s simply good to see the ladies get more work behind the scenes and starring comedy on the screen, or just another excuse for women to be relegated to fluff.